
Union calls four-day strike at nurseries across Spain

The Local Spain
The Local Spain - [email protected]
Union calls four-day strike at nurseries across Spain
Unions in Spain call strikes for nursery workers. Photo: FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP

One of Spain's leading trade unions has called on 80,000 nursery workers at public and private 'guarderías' to strike over four days in October and November.


The Federation of Education of Workers Commissions (FECCCOO) has called for a four-day walkout in early childhood education centres throughout the country due to the "precarious" conditions of the workers.

General Secretary of the federation Paco García stated that the strike will occur on October 19th and 25th, and November 8th and 15th.

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García added that around 95 percent of the 80,000 professionals called to strike are women. 80 percent of these are educators, 10 percent are teachers and graduates and the rest work in maintenance or kitchens. 

The stoppage can apply to all nursery schools in all categories, both public and private centres.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that all nurseries in Spain will participate in the strike, and those that do will have to offer minimum services such as keeping at least one person from the management team and a certain amount of educators, requirements set by each regional government.

“The strike is more than justified and has to do with pay and working conditions. Their remuneration and conditions are enormously precarious, and educators only receive around €1,028", García argued.  

He added that this issue only further widens the gender pay gap and that nursery professionals are not properly compensated for the level of responsibility and training that is required for the role.  

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After more than two years of talks and meetings without making any headway, the unions have decided to call a strike.  

These stoppages continue on from the partial ones seen in the last week of June and aim to "avoid perpetuating the permanent vulnerability of workers and defend working conditions worthy of the 21st century”.  


The last time there was a full strike in early childhood education was back in 2019 due to the same issues, and since then, there hasn’t been much movement in the conditions and salaries have been frozen since September 2021.  

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According to Pedro Ocaña, responsible for the Private and Socio-educational Services of FECCOO, most families back the decision to strike and want to support those who look after their children.  

The unions also denounce the hiring of nursery workers in September and dismissals in June in order to "save" on salaries over the two summer months, when most centres decrease their activity dramatically.    



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