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How newlyweds and civil unions in Spain can get honeymoon leave

The Local Spain
The Local Spain - [email protected]
How newlyweds and civil unions in Spain can get honeymoon leave
How you can get honeymoon leave in Spain. Photo: Kat Galamay / Pixabay

In many countries around the world, you simply have to use up your vacation days to go on your honeymoon, but in Spain you are entitled to just over two weeks extra holiday.


According to the Workers' Statute, any employee is entitled to a minimum of 15 days of paid vacation on the occasion of their wedding to enjoy their honeymoon.

But it’s not only those who get officially married in Spain that can benefit from these days, those who agree to a civil union or pareja de hecho in Spanish, can too.

READ ALSO - Civil union or marriage in Spain: which one is better?

At the end of June 2023, the Spanish government approved a decree to modify the workers’ statute and grant a permit to common-law couples to equate them to marriages.

In the Royal Decree-Law 5/2023, of June 28th, it states in Article 37 “that the worker, with prior notice and justification, may be absent from work, with the right to remuneration, for 15 days in the case of marriage or registered partnership". 

Can I take the leave whenever I want?

Typically, your 15 days are supposed to begin on the day of your wedding or signing of the civil union papers or the day after.

If you get married on a non-business day (such as a weekend), your leave will start counting from the next business day. But if you get married on a business or weekday, the leave will start counting on the same day as the wedding.

READ ALSO: Can non-residents or new arrivals get married in Spain?

These days, however, not everyone goes on honeymoon straight after the wedding. Many people leave it until later when they have saved up more or when they need a break later on in the year.  

If you want to take the leave at another time, you can always try and negotiate with your company and come to an agreement.  


Can I combine the honeymoon leave with my holiday days? 

If you want to have an extra-long break to go travelling or sort out your new life together, there is no legal reason why you can’t combine your 15 days of honeymoon leave with your vacation days from work.  

Again you would have to negotiate with your company to see if they will let you or are able to find cover for possibly up to a month.  

READ ALSO: How to change your surname after marriage or divorce in Spain

Can I ask for a few days off before the wedding to finalise the preparations? 

Planning a wedding and getting everything organised can be stressful and you typically need a few days off work beforehand.  

In an ideal world, you would be able to take some of the 15 days before the wedding and some afterwards.  

As mentioned before, the leave is supposed to be for you to enjoy your honeymoon afterwards, but the final say will be up to your company and your boss may be fine with you splitting it up.


Can I get remuneration if I don’t want to take my 15 days?

Unfortunately no, if you decide not to take the 15 days you are entitled to, you will not receive any compensation.

Therefore, you might as well just take them and enjoy the time off. Even if you decide not to go away, you can always relax and home and take time for yourselves.

Can I still get the leave if I’m self-employed?

As with everything when you’re autónomo in Spain, things get a little more complicated. It all really depends on what type of freelancer you are. You could take your 15 days, but if you’re working for yourself, you won’t be getting paid during this time and again, you’re not entitled to any compensation.

If 75 percent of your income comes from a single client, then by law you are entitled to 18 days of unpaid vacation days, but you still won’t be able to benefit from the 15 days of paid honeymoon leave.


What if I’m employed, but on a temporary contract or work part-time?

Whether you’re on a temporary contract or a part-time one, if you’re employed you will still be entitled to the leave.

Will I still be entitled to my 15 days if this is my second marriage?

Yes, even if you are getting married or doing a civil union for the second time you can still enjoy the 15 days of honeymoon leave again.

The only caveat is that you have to be getting married to a different person, Therefore, if you’re renewing your vows and getting remarried to the same person, you will not be entitled to the leave.



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