
How to donate toys and children's clothes in Spain this Christmas

The Local Spain
The Local Spain - [email protected]
How to donate toys and children's clothes in Spain this Christmas
How to donate toys for Christmas. Photo: Mark RALSTON / AFP

Here’s what you can do this Christmas in Spain with neglected toys or clothes that your kids have outgrown.


You probably already think that your kids have way more toys to play with than they ever need, so Christmas is a good time to have a clear-out and donate some to those less fortunate or to children who may not be getting Christmas gifts this year.


It could be good to involve your kids in the process too. Explain to them that there are some children who won’t be getting presents this year and ask them to pick out some toys that they no longer want or use. It may even be nice for them to go along with you to donate them to find out where their toys are going.

There are many places in Spain where you can donate unwanted toys, as long as they’re still in good condition and can be used by others.

There are several charities across the country that collect toys, but there are also drives at hospitals, schools, nurseries, churches and town halls. You could also list some of your unwanted items on Facebook or other online groups to see if there’s anyone in your local community who might want them.

Asociación Ningún Niño sin Sonrisa
The charity Asociación Ningún Niño sin Sonrisa has launched its Christmas campaign and is looking for both new and used toys, stuffed animals, books, food, hygiene products and school supplies. They will be collecting these items until December 27th at Calle Hermosilla 136 in Madrid. It’s best to contact them beforehand to arrange and time to drop off the donations.

Fundación Valora
This organisation is dedicated to collecting second-hand items of all kinds, especially at Christmas. It has 734 centres all over the country where they accept donations. Visit the website here to find out where your nearest one is.


Reyes Magos de Verdad
If you want to become a helper to the Three Kings this year, then you can donate to Reyes Magos de Verdad a non-profit organisation that aims to give gifts to those who may not have otherwise received gifts from the Kings, not only children but the elderly too. In order to do so, fill out their form here to organise a collection.

Juegaterapia collects unused game consoles and video games to send them to children’s oncology units in hospitals around the country. Each console or game is given to the children with a label on it, so they know where it came from and can send you a thank you note or a drawing. Go to the website here to find out how to donate.

Carta Solidaria a los Reyes Magos
This project, which is all about donations through letters to the Three Kings, works in collaboration with more than 50 different charities, foundations and NGOs all over the country. Your kids can fill out their letters to the Three Kings here, not only asking for what they want this year but also what they’re willing to donate. Once they have done so, you will receive instructions on how and where to donate. Your kids will also receive a personalised thank you message from the Kings themselves.

Fundación Alberto Contador
This foundation is dedicated to providing bicycles for as many disadvantaged children in Spain as possible. If your kid will be getting a new bike this year or they have simply outgrown their old one, then this could be a great option. All you need to do is fill out the online form here and Fundación SEUR will send the bicycles free of charge to their new owners.



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