
KEY POINTS: Everything that changes about life in Spain in June 2024

Conor Faulkner
Conor Faulkner - [email protected]
KEY POINTS: Everything that changes about life in Spain in June 2024
A man jumps over a bonfire during the annual San Juan celebrations on a beach in Alicante. Photo: JOSE JORDAN/AFP.

Whether it be tax deadlines, price increases, school ending, European elections, fire-themed celebrations or anti-mass tourism protests, there's a lot going on in Spain this June.


Last day to file your tax return online

Wednesday 26th June is the last day to file your yearly income tax return online in Spain, known as la declaración de renta. Declarations by phone and in person will continue until July 1st.

READ ALSO: How to complete Spain's Declaración de la Renta tax return in 2024

European elections

The European elections will take place in Spain on June 9th. Spanish citizens residing in Spain or abroad, as well as citizens of other EU countries residing in Spain, can vote.

A new Catalan government

June 10th is the day when the Catalan government will likely vote on and form its new government, following regional polls in the northern region earlier in the month. It is expected that the Socialist (PSC) candidate Salvador Illa will have enough votes to become regional president after winning a solid victory and denying separatist parties a pro-independence majority for the first time in decades.

READ ALSO: Politics in Spain: 8 things we learnt from the Catalan elections

Málaga anti-tourism protest

Anti-tourist sentiment is bubbling in Spain, and will hit the Málaga streets in June. A growing number of Malagueños have had enough and will take to the streets on June 29th under the slogan ‘for decent housing and against the processes of touristification and precariousness of life’.

READ MORE: 'It's become unliveable - Spain's Málaga plans protests against mass tourism


New EU AI law comes into force

June will also see the world's first comprehensive AI law come into force. The law, approved at the EU level, will impose certain obligations depending on the risk level of each AI systems. You can read more of The Local's coverage here.

School's out for summer

Of course, June also sees the end of the school year at schools across Spain. Most regions will have their last day on Friday June 21st, but some will continue onto the 24th, depending on the type of school.

It's always better to check with your local authority for exact term dates.

Cheap train tickets in north-east Spain

Train travel between regions in the north-east of Spain will discounts of up to 70 percent throughout June. However, you must purchase the tickets beforehand, between 20th May-26th May.

Offers include offers journeys between Barcelona and Logroño or Pamplona for €19.02, between Barcelona and Vitoria for €19.95, or between the Catalan capital and San Sebastián or Bilbao for €20.95.

Madrid water prices go up

The price of water in Madrid will increase for many from June 1st, affecting around a third (29 percent) of domestic customers in the city. This ends a decade of frozen tariffs, sanitation and reuse services managed by Canal de Isabel II.


Teachers protests in Madrid

Teachers in the capital will take to the streets and demand better conditions on Monday 3rd June in front of the Regional Ministry of Economy and Finance. On Saturday 15th June, teachers will protest again, marching from Plaza de Neptuno to Puerta del Sol.

Seasonal Tenerife-New York flights become permanent

The popular connection between Newark Liberty International Airport (technically New Jersey) and Tenerife South, which will have three weekly frequencies in each direction, is set to become permanent and will begin operating from 1st June and will last at least until the end of March 2025. It will offer a total of 23,400 seats during this period.

VAT price reduction on food and electricity could be scrapped

The Spanish government is considering scrapping the VAT price cut on food and electricity in June, meaning bills and food shops could get more expensive.

It doesn't seem to be confirmed yet but the cuts are likely to be brought in to keep Spain's fiscal planning in line with EU Commission rules.


Festivos/local events

Corpus Christi celebrations take place 

The Corpus Christi festival commemorates the body of Christ and occurs nine weeks after Easter. It is celebrated very differently depending on where you are in the country. In the Catalan town of Sitges, Elche de la Sierra in Albacete, and some places in Tenerife, the locals make brightly-coloured patterned carpets on the streets, made of either flower petals or sawdust.

In Granada, they have elaborate processions and lots of festivities, while in Barcelona they decorate the city's fountains with flowers and place an egg to 'dance' in the water. 

Noche de San Juan

June sees much of Spain celebrating the Night of Sant Juan. Saint John's Eve occurs on the night of June 23rd and sees Spaniards across the country celebrating with bonfires and fireworks. It marks St John the Baptist's birth as well as one of the shortest nights of the year.

It is celebrated slightly differently depending on where you are in the country. In Galicia, Pagan traditions of scaring away evil mix with religious ones as bonfires are set up on the beaches. In Catalonia, towns and cities go all out to celebrate Sant Joan with firecrackers, fireworks, and traditional sweet coca bread.

Finally, in Alicante Las Hogueras or Les Fogueres take place, similar to Valencia's Las Fallas festival where large papier-mâché sculptures are burnt. 

Batalla del Vino

In the Riojan town Haro, locals celebrate the region's wine heritage in a very unusual way, by having a giant wine fight and throwing the ruby red drink all over each other. It takes place on June 29th and during the event, everyone meets on a hillside outside the town dressed in white. By the time the fight is over, everyone's clothes have turned to shades of red and purple.



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