
Amazon to create 17,500 new jobs in Spain

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AFP/The Local - [email protected]
Amazon to create 17,500 new jobs in Spain
Amazon Web Services Vice President of Technology Matt Wood. (Photo by Ethan Miller / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)

Amazon's cloud computing division AWS will invest €15.7 billion ($17 billion) in data centres in Spain's north eastern Aragón region through to 2033, the US tech giant said Wednesday.


The investment will create around 17,500 indirect jobs in local companies and contribute €21.6 billion to Spain's gross domestic product during the period, Amazon said in a statement.

An estimated 6,800 of these new jobs will be created in the region of Aragón, where the city of Zaragoza is located.


"This new commitment by AWS spotlights our country’s attractiveness as a strategic tech hub in southern Europe, "Spanish Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escrivá was quoted by Amazon in the statement.

READ ALSO: Meta, IBM, Google, Amazon - How thousands of tech jobs are being created in Spain

The head of the regional government of Aragón, Jorge Azcón, said in a message posted on social network X that this "is the biggest economic investment in the history of our region".


AWS Spain and Portugal country manager Suzana Curic said that "Aragón was always our winning horse when we were evaluating where to locate our region and our data centres. The availability of land, access to sustainable energy sources, a solid and consolidated business fabric, local talent and the enormous growth potential, were the main reasons why we should be here."

A pioneer of e-commerce, Amazon's AWS also dominates cloud computing with 31 percent of the market at the end of 2023, according to Stocklytics.

But rivals Microsoft and Google are gaining ground, with 24 percent and 11 percent market share of the cloud business, respectively.

The race has become particularly heated since the deployment of ChatGPT-style artificial intelligence that the cloud companies are offering to clients.

READ ALSO: Google opens biggest European cyber centre in Spain's Málaga



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